We organize exclusive events, deliver the most accurate and up-to-date news, and provide easy-to-digest education about blockchain and cryptocurrency! Our 7-minute newsletter keeps you up-to-date by curating the most recent blockchain and cryptocurrency news articles.
Since 2019, Crypto Rebel has grown to a more than 100k readers newsletter. From Bloomberg to JP Morgan, entrepreneurs, lawyers, bankers and crypto enthusiasts trust our expertise to bring only the most important news to your mailbox daily. We read 50+ financial and crypto industry sources daily, so you don’t have to, bringing you only the most critical information.

The Crypto RBL Team
We surround ourselves with incredibly talented creators

Mik Mironov
Founder & CEO

Andria Efstathiou
Head of Marketing & PR

Elvis Kolawole
Content Marketing Manager

Rosemarlines Effiong
Digital Marketing Manager

Ha Linh Ngo
Graphic Designer & Illustrator

Kristina Klentak
Business Development & PR Manager

Mik Mironov
Founder & CEO

Andria Efstathiou
Head of Marketing & PR

Elvis Kolawole
Content Marketing Manager

Rosemarlines Effiong
Digital Marketing Manager

Ha Linh Ngo
Graphic Designer & Illustrator

Kristina Klentak
Business Development & PR Manager

Mik Mironov
Founder & CEO

Andria Efstathiou
Head of Marketing & PR

Elvis Kolawole
Content Marketing Manager

Rosemarlines Effiong
Digital Marketing Manager

Ha Linh Ngo
Graphic Designer & Illustrator

Kristina Klentak
Business Development & PR Manager